Use Kubernetes For Your Blog

I've seen this mentioned quite a bit over the last year: “Don't use Kubernetes for your blog”; “Don't use Kubernetes for just one service”; “Don't use Kubernetes for _______, you don't need it”. Sure, you don't need a lot of things.

I've chosen to run my applications on Kubernetes and, if you were turned off by the naysayers, you might consider doing so as well. Here are a few reasons for why I've decided to introduce this extra complexity:

A learning opportunity, expanding domain knowledge Experimentation Rapidly develop and deploy new applications Ownership and control over the whole system

The most important reason when making this decision for myself was “I want to learn this.” I spent the time learning how to create a Kubernetes cluster, deploy a blog, configure GitOps, etc. Because of that I built the skills to create some really useful infrastructure at my day job.

So yeah, you should host your blog on Kubernetes, you'll probably learn a lot.

Oh, and it also helps that Kubernetes is pretty fun to play around with.